Runway's Newsies in Midtown Manhattan
Home Page

A bit about meself

Photo Page

Remembering Dominic

email me and stuff

my favorite newsies sites

My Pshyco Itey obsession

list one hundred

Guest Book Page

Custom3 Page

My Story

Newsies are Cool!!!!
Hi!! Runway here. This is my Newsies Shrine. please feel free to look around. I'll have some pictures and really cool things all about your FAVORITE Newsies!! I'm Newsies obsessed, so if you don't like Newsies, CHEESE IT!!! Carrying the banner!!
Da Updates
I will be CONSTANTLY updating he site with more pics, contests, downloads, polls, and all SORTS of fun things. here's a list of updates.

12/18/02- I made my site!! (whopee)
1/19/03-did a LOT of stuff
1/20/03- Did a lot more stuff

1/29/03- Got halfway with list one hundred
2/14/03 Did more stuff (updated list 100, and started on the are you obsessed list)
2/20/03- I have a new assistant!!! YAY!!! I worked on list 100 EVEN MORE. Sheesh. almost done.
You are Newsie number:
OMG, If you're Newsies number 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, or 110, EMAIL ME!!!!!!!!! PLEEZ!!! and then I can congratulate you on my site!!!!
My Pshyco Itey obsession
Hello all of you people!!! I would like to Introduce you to my 3 assistants (the 3 musketeers, the 3 amigos, THE 3 CABLIAROS!!!(sp? oh well). They are Scram, Shoelace, and Ricochet. They will be helping me with updates. Yes THAT Scram. The freak that's always posting in my guest book. You know WHY she's a freak? BECAUSE SHE LIKES NINJA TURTLES MORE THAN NEWSIES!!! evil......Then again, I sign my guest book more than she does, but hey, it's my site!!! Her email is Also, I have toe 30 hour famine tomorrow (Friday, Feb. 21) so, wish me luck

Newest contest!!!
uh......we desperately need a contest. Any ideas guys?
Send an email

Looking for somethin?
Looking for someting about Newsies? If you are, please email me ( youre looking for, and I'll see what i can do about it.

Seize the Day!!!
To sign up for my TOTALLY awesome Newsies newsletter, send me an email stating your email address and your name (or your Newsies name if you have one) Feel free to email me with any interesting facts about newsies or good pictures that i dont already have.
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