Lists, Lists, Lists, Lists, Lists!!!
a list of GREAT Newsies sites I came across. My favorite is Suspenders 'n' Such, and it's very cool. check 'em out!!! If you would like to link to me, email me saying that youre linking to my site, and I'll put a link to your site on this page if you would like (just tell me if you don't, or I automatically will).

Find more newsies sites with these search engines.
Here's some Search Engines
You know us as the Internet's original search engine.
One of the most visited hubs on the Internet reaching one out of every two web users.
Snorty's Joint
Not a search engine either. This is a great site. It's got lots of stuff about Max Casella **yay!!** and useful stuffs. Lots of pics of max, some good fan fiction (heehee, Bale's gorrilla slaves heeheehee), and are you obsessed list (this one's hysterical) and other newsies related stuff. I highly reccomend visiting this one.
The Streets of New York
This is not a search engine, but there was no room below. IT's a pretty new site, so theres not a TON of stuff.....yet. It is, however, very good, and has all sorts of pictures and, this is REALLY good, NEWSIES DESKTOP THEMES!! YAY!!!!!! There will be LOTS more updates, though, and it has become one of my favorite sites.
Favorite Sites
Suspenders 'n' Such
Suspenders 'n' Such is one of THE BEST sites that I've been to sofar. It's really good, with lotsa pictures, info on the Newsies now and then (yes, fellow Itey fans, even the little Newsies), character profiles, fanfic (Newsies take over who's line is it anyway was really funny), and ALL THAT JAZZ!! This site lot of stars.
Jiffy 'n' Flinch's Newsies Shebang!!
Jiffy 'n' Flinch have a HYSTERICAL site, which is well put together and has lots of stuff that us Newsies fans reall like. So, go there!!!
Kendall's Newsies Page
This is one of the first Newsies sites I ever found. It's got some cool stuff, and is JAM PACKED with LOTS of pictures and facts and such. Thought Kendall does tend to write in that dIzZyInG text, her site is VERY cool.
Da Wicked Newsies Page
This site is VERY VERY VERY AWESOME. I like it a lot. It's like a lot of other Newsies sites, only, it has some features many Newsies sites don't have. I reccomend this site to any TRUE Newsies fan. ::clears throat::
Paper Dreams-A Newsies Fanlisting
Join the mad Fanlist!!! i did, but I don't know if i'm on yet ::sigh:: only time will tell. Read the rules before you join, or you won't be let in. I MEAN IT!!! But, this IS a great club.
Dara's Newsies
This part of the site is good. If ya click on a newsie, then it shows you a bunch of links for that particular newsie. There's also a "Which Newsie are you?" test (I'm Itey, if anyone was wondering) Whaterver you do, DON'T push the "Back to my home page" button, because it's not Newsies AT ALL, and is very scary, in my opinion. The Newsies section is good, though.
The Lodging House
This is a good Newsies site. what more can I say? I already used all of my colorful vocabulary. Hey, It's nice to have a variety.
The Official Unofficial Dominic Lucero site
It's an oximoron, right? Anywho, This is a wonderful site to Remember Dom (Bumlets) by (God Bless Dom!!! See my "What's New" page for my Dom Lucero Memorial) Lotsa info on Dominic's Life, career, and death (more or less, his life and career) If youre interested in Dominic, go here!!
Newsies quiz
Quiz about the Movie. There's 2 others as well.